June 7, 1944

June 7, 1944

Dear Folks,

How is everything going now? Your letters
of the fifteenth are the last that I have
received. Have really been sweating that
mail call every day. During this past
week, I have fallen down again and not
written to anyone. I haven’t been getting
mail in that time and every time I would
sit down to write my mind would go
blank. It still is as far as that goes.

We heard the invasion announcement1
when we went to work yesterday morning.
I’ll be home by the time I’m old enough
to vote, yet. I’m mailing “our newspaper’s”
first-day account at the same time that
I mail this. Am enclosing a few
copies of the articles “hash marks” as found
in the Stars & Stripes. Did Dad take off
today to celebrate his birthday? Did you
realize that one week and one year ago today
I raised my right hand and was sworn into
the Army. I received the April issue of
the 20th Century Christian recently. It was
the first that I had received. Did I ever tell
you to express my appreciation to the
High School class for sending the magazine to me?
If you wish you may write to the magazine
and notify them of my change in address. I don’t
know whether they send them overseas or not.
Speaking of changes in address, be sure and
notice the change in my address.

Mildred, there are a couple of magazines
that I wish you would send me, namely,
Readers’ Digest and Esquire. Is my analyt
book at home or did I sell it? If it is there
send it to me; if not forget it for the time being.


1 The invasion of Normandy began on June 6, aka D-Day.