Your Day [May 13, 1945]

[letter written immediately following VE Day]

Dear Mom,

I have started a letter to you every
day for six days and I haven’t finished
one yet. I’m trying to finish this
before church as our section is having
a picnic this afternoon.

We got Tuesday evening and
Wednesday off. That evening we
assembled for a speech from our
adjutant, Commanding Officer, and a
prayer by the Chaplain. Most of the
boys went to town from there.
I realized that the town would be full
of drunks so I stayed in camp both
days with a friend of mine. We sat
around, talked, and played checkers
and ping-pong. It was actually
nice and quiet with so many in town.

Thursday we went back to the same
old grind. I don’t think there was
an excess of celebration because
most of the fellows realize that
they might take part in the war against

The talk for the last couple of days
has been about points for discharge.
The only two things in the system
that affects me is the one point for each
month of service and one point for
each month overseas. I reported
for active duty 10 August ’43. All points
are to be calculated as of yesterday. I’ve
been in 21 months and two days so
that’s 21 points. My overseas time starts
Feb. 26 ’44 when I left New York, so
that is 14 months and 16 days overseas.
I don’t know whether that is 14 or 15 points.
Using 15, the grand total is only 36.
With 85 points the temporary minimum
and the critical score to be announced
in six weeks’ time, it looks like your
son, Lawrence, has time to serve yet.

I believe that Lloyd should have
plenty to enable him to get a discharge.
How does Ken stand? Ask Edwin if you
haven’t heard.

Looking ahead, I can see only two
possibilities for myself. 1. occupation
of Germany, 2. Far East. If it should
be the Far East there are two possibilities
there – (a) directly from here or (b) through
the states with furlough home.

Although preference will have
nothing to do with it probably; I
would prefer the Far East to occupation.
And although a furlough home would
go mighty good right now, I think
that I would get out of the Army sooner
if I went to the Far East from here.

That is enough of speculation and
guess-work for now. Let me know
about Lloyd and Ken. Lloyd hasn’t answered
the two letters I’ve written to him.

Monday night when I first heard
that Tuesday would be VE Day, my
first thought was “what a grand
Mothers’ Day present for millions of
Mothers whose sons will be safe.”

On all days and especially today,
I hope that you are enjoying good health.

There goes church call, so will close

Love to all,